Meesters, Marieke, Annet Pauwelussen, Esther Turnhout (2024) The Politics of
Amphibiousness: Shifting Coastal Management in the Netherlands. Science, Technology and Human Values.
Croft, Freya, Hugh Breakey, Michelle Voyer, Andres Cisneros-Montemayor,
Ibrahim Issifu, Makrita Solitei, Catherine Moyle, Brooke Campbell, Kate Barclay,
Dominque Benzaken, Hekia Bodwitch, Leah Fusco, Alejandro Garcia Lozano,
Yoshitaka Ota, Annet Pauwelussen, Marleen Schutter, Gerald Singh,
Angelique Pouponneau (2024) Rethinking blue economy governance – A blue economy equity model as an approach to operationalise equity. Environmental Science and Policy 155: 103710.
Barclay, KM, Bush, SR, Poos, JJ, Richter, A, van Zwieten, PAM, Hamon, K.G., Carballo-Cárdenas, Pauwelussen, A.P., Groeneveld, R.A., Toonen, H.M., Schadeberg, A., Kraan, M., Bailey, M., van Leeuwen, J. (2023) Social Harvest Control Rules for Sustainable Fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 14(5):
Westmoreland, Mark, Annet Pauwelussen and Silke Van Diemen. (2022) Kaleidoscopic Vision: Immersive Experiments in Maritime Worlds. Entanglements: Experiments in Multimodal Ethnography 5(1/2).
Crosman, Katherine M., Edward H. Allison, Yoshitaka Ota, Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayore, Wilf Swartz, Megan Bailey, Kate M. Barclay, Grant Blume, Mathieu Colléter, Michael Fabinyi, Elaine M. Faustman, P. Joshua Griffin, Quentin Hanich, Harriet Harden-Davies, Ryan P. Kelly, Tiff-Annie Kenny, Terrie Klinger, John N. Kittinger, Katrina Nakamura, Annet P. Pauwelussen, Sherry Pictou, Chris Rothschild, Katherine L. Seto, Gerald G. Singh, Ana K. Spalding (2022) Social Equity is Key to Sustainable Ocean Governance, npj Ocean Sustainability 1.
Pauwelussen, Annet and Shannon S. Swanson (2022) ‘Good human-turtle relations in Indonesia: Intersecting legalities in sea turtle conservation’, in Laws of the Sea: Interdisciplinary Currents, edited by Irus Braverman. London: Routledge. DOI 10.4324/9781003205173-13
Maas, Timo, Annet Pauwelussen and Esther Turnhout (2022) ‘Co-producing the science-policy interface: towards common but differentiated responsibilities‘, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9: 93.
Pauwelussen, Annet, (2021) ‘Visits from octopus and crocodile kin: Rethinking human-sea relations through amphibious twinship in Indonesia‘, in Environmental Alterities, edited by Cristóbal Bonelli and Antonia Walford. Manchester: Mattering Press.
Pauwelussen, Annet, (2021) ‘Leaky bodies: masculinity and risk in the practice of cyanide fishing in Indonesia‘, Gender Place and Culture (online first), DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2021.1950642.
Bush, Simon, Annet Pauwelussen, Pau Badia Grimalt, Sake Kruk, David Little, Luong Le The, Richard Newton, Nhan Dinh The, Muhammad Meezanur Rahman, Patrick Sorgeloos, Yeong Sung, (2020) ‘Implementing Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platforms in Asia’, Aquaculture 530 (735822).
Pauwelussen, Annet (2020) ‘Commentary 11 to the Manifesto for the marine social sciences: culture and religion’, Maritime Studies 19(2), 147-149.
Kraan, Marloes, Rolf Groeneveld, Annet P. Pauwelussen, Tim Haasnoot and Simon R. Bush (2020) ‘Science, subsidies and the politics of the pulse trawl ban in the European Union’, Marine Policy 118: 103975.
Pauwelussen, Annet and Gerard Verschoor (2017) ‘Amphibious encounters: coral and people in conservation outreach in Indonesia’, Engaging Science, Technology and Society 3: 292-314.
Pauwelussen, Annet (2017) ‘Tracing community: a case from coastal Indonesia’, in Anthropological Knowledge on the Move, ed. by V. de Rooij. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Pauwelussen, Annet (2016) ‘Community as network: exploring a relational approach to social resilience in coastal Indonesia’, Maritime Studies 15: 2 [online].
Schwerdtner Máñez, Kathleen and Annet Pauwelussen (2016) ‘Fish is women’s business too: looking at marine resource use through a gender Lens’, in Perspectives on Oceans Past: A Handbook of Marine Environmental History, ed. by K. Schwerdtner Máñez and B. Poulsen. Dordrecht: Springer.
Pauwelussen, Annet (2015) ‘The moves of a Bajau middlewoman: understanding the disparity between trade networks and marine conservation’, Anthropological Forum 25(4): 329-349.
Boekestijn, V. and A. Pauwelussen. (2022) The Oyster Multiple. Poster presented at the Noordzeedagen 2022, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Pauwelussen, Annet (2022) Feminism & Human Relationships with the Sea, Fishy Feminism Podcast Episode 5, by Christine Knott.
Pauwelussen, Annet, Silke van Diemen and Mark Westmooreland. (2019) ‘Immersive Ethnography in the Makassar Strait’. Visual Ethnography Leiden.
Pauwelussen, Annet (2017) Amphibious Anthropology: Engaging with Maritime Worlds in Indonesia. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University.
Pauwelussen, A.P. and Kraan, M. (2023) Marine Restoration Needs Understanding Of Social Context and Impact. Policy Brief MARE People and the Sea Conference Policy Day 26 June 2023.
Pauwelussen, AP. and Lau, S. (2023) A Review of Gender Studies and Feminist Theory in and for Marine Social Science. Ocean Nexus Special Report, University of Washington.
Basurto, X., Siegelman, B., Navarro, M. I., del Mar Mancha Cisneros, M., Artaud, H., Burgos, A., Kraan, M. Pauwelussen, A., M. Toonen. (2022) Global patters of management and governance of small-scale fisheries: contributions to the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The Contribution of Small-Scale Fisheries to Sustainable Development. Rome: FAO, Duke University and Worldfish.
Meesters, Marieke, Sascha Pimentel, Annet Pauwelussen, Eira Carballa Cárdenas, Verina Ingram, Josephine Chambers, Lucila de Almeida, Tabitha Muriuki, Alessia d’Amico and Sumit Vij (2022) Towards Diversity and Inclusivity in Sustainability Governance. WCSG Incubator report, Wageningen University.
Meesters, Marieke, Josie Chambers, Annet Pauwelussen, Tabitha Muriuki, Koen Arts and Verina Ingram (2021) Fostering a Supportive Academic Culture For All: Insights from an FNP Survey and Workshop on Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Diversity. Wageningen University.
Pauwelussen, Annet and Simon Bush (2020) Inclusive Assurance Models in Vietnamese Shrimp Aquaculture, EURASTiP Horizon 2020 report N° 3.2, European Commission.